Prevent Restore

Prevent Restore 2400.00 Data erasure tool for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Prevent Restore Abstract:

Prevent Restore is a freeware file removal application that's easy-to-use, wizard based and advanced.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Take privacy protecting to the extreme by making deleted files unrecoverable - Screenshot of Prevent Restore
Take privacy protecting to the extreme by making deleted files unrecoverable.
Screenshot of Prevent Restore - 466px · 539px
Stop deleted files being recovered - Screenshot of Prevent Restore
Stop deleted files being recovered.
Screenshot of Prevent Restore - 466px · 539px
Prevents recovery of already deleted files - Screenshot of Prevent Restore
Prevents recovery of already deleted files.
Screenshot of Prevent Restore - 466px · 539px